Why we create short guides

Why we create short guides

It’s very important to expand your horizons if you want to open your mind to the possibilities that you can achieve in life, and that’s why I believe reading books and articles about wealth, success, and prosperity is important. Still, we must never forget to stay grounded. Timeless wisdom may be incredibly valuable, but there are times when the things that will help people the most are lessons on how to do the mundane and ordinary.

So why do create short guides? Read more below!

Why make “How to” guides here on YourWealthyMind?

First off, people need it. 

There’s a lot of things that people (beginners and first-timers especially) would want to learn. Those are things like how to pay bills online, how to register for that online payment system, how to start a blog, how to get a certain ID, how to pay taxes, how to start an investment account, and more. None of us know how to do all those things, and there are also people who get scared and procrastinate if they think something is too much of a hassle even though it could really help them in life. 

By making short guides that people can read for free, they’ll see how simple some of those things actually are. People may then want to try them out and that’s one more improvement in their lives that they wouldn’t have done otherwise.

Second, it’s practical.

Aiming to become successful in life is important, but we must always remember the ordinary and mundane. After all, we can talk about dreaming big, setting goals, and working to earn wealth and prosperity, but what if you’re just fresh out of college and you don’t have a bank account yet? What if you don’t even have a government ID to open that bank account? There are lots of people out there who need to do those simple things, and sometimes they need someone to teach them how. That’s why it’s important for bloggers like me to write guides for them.

Finally, it also makes sense for my blog’s Filipino readers.

Even though I want to create content that crosses cultural bounds, since most of my readers are from the Philippines it’s just practical to make content that help my fellow Filipinos. If someone needs to know how to do things that I’ve personally done or know how to do, then why not write something that’ll teach them, right? People need it, and so I write about it.

Aside from me being able to write things that I’ve experienced firsthand, it’s also good for my blog. Since it’s relatively easier to get a good search ranking in my country if I use Tagalog keywords, my content has a better chance of appearing on Filipinos’ internet searches. One more thing to note is that since most official guides online are in English and not all Filipinos can read English fluently, I also create a Tagalog version that helps them.

So as you can see, it really does make sense to write a lot of simple yet helpful guides here on YourWealthyMind.com. Of course, we would still continue writing about things that encourage and inspire people, but we’ll also write about things that people need to learn how to do, no matter how mundane or ordinary.

So what guides have we made so far? Check out some of them below!

Categories: Self-Improvement
Ray L.: Ray is the main writer behind YourWealthyMind.com. He is a proponent of self-improvement and self-education, and he believes that anyone can achieve their goals once they learn the knowledge and skills they need to attain them. He considers it his mission to enrich lives and end poverty by teaching people lessons they may need to succeed.