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Bad luck doesn’t always follow good luck, and getting lucky in one thing won’t directly CAUSE bad luck elsewhere. If you got lucky, you shouldn’t spend your time worrying about upcoming bad luck somewhere else. Just be grateful for what you’ve got, and enjoy it!
Life is often like a “wheel of fortune”. We may be on top of the world and happy one moment, but we can get crushed by misfortune the next. Still, is that always the case? Will bad luck ALWAYS follow happiness?
Good Luck and THEN Bad Luck?
This idea came to me because I received an extremely lucky draw in Fate/Grand Order, a game I play on my phone. After wasting so much in-game resources, in a random last-ditch single roll I beat the extremely low 0.7% chance and received my most sought after character in the game. I was very excited after getting her, but then I received a feeling of dread a few minutes later.
I thought to myself, “if I’m super lucky and happy right now, then I’ll probably get some bad news very soon”. Perhaps the problem with our family’s land will get worse. Perhaps a family member will get injured, sick, or worse. Perhaps we’ll receive some kind of tragedy somehow. I had no idea what will happen, but I couldn’t stop worrying about some far away misfortune lurking in the days to come.
I thought about it some more and, somehow, all that worrying did not make sense. After all, if you get lucky in one thing, does that automatically mean you will get UNLUCKY right afterwards? We all know that life is full of ups and downs, but if you receive a happy moment that won’t automatically mean that you’ll have an equal or greater of tragedy right afterwards. Think about it. Does having good luck CAUSE bad luck to happen?
NO! Of course not! So WHY was I so worried?
Life is full of problems and solutions; happiness and sadness; triumphs and tragedies.While some “happy” actions can cause “sadness” (like borrowing money for a fun vacation but suffering crippling debt afterwards, or spending a night at a casino and losing), a lot of times they are not related at all.
We get good luck and bad luck, but they’re often independent of each other. If we get a promotion or a raise, is that connected to our grandparent dying or our child getting sick? No. Problems happen when they happen, and successes happen when they want to happen after we earn them. That’s how life works.
So why should you worry so much about upcoming bad times when you get something good? Will it help your situation, or are you just putting undue stress on yourself? Think about it for a moment.

Our lesson for today is this:
When you get a stroke of good luck, enjoy it and be thankful! Do not waste time worrying about some upcoming disaster and just be grateful for what you have. On the other hand, if you’re having bad times, remember that they won’t go on forever and you can always think of solutions. Life will move forward no matter what.
The blessing of the Lord makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it.
— Proverbs 10:22 NKJV
While we should always prepare for possible disasters (e.g. create an emergency fund, buy insurance, save and invest money for retirement, write a will for our loved ones, etc.), we must not allow our worries and fears to stop ourselves from enjoying life right now.
I hope you enjoyed this little lesson today! If you want more, go check out our article list here!
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