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Problems, emergencies, and inconveniences. There’s no escaping them. The only thing we can do is prepare what we can, and when they do happen we must try to find the best things we can do in those situations.
It was around 10pm and I was live streaming digital art on Twitch.tv. I was busy coloring my new comic and talking to my new online viewers when, all of a sudden, the power went out. There was yet another power outage in our area. I wasn’t able to properly end my stream and say goodbye to my viewers, and I still haven’t started writing the article for this week (this one). I had a lot of work to do, and there was no way for me to do them.
Random problems like that happen all the time. There’s a power outage, the bus we’re riding is stuck in traffic, our internet and phone lines broke, or something else. There are also times when our income or salary gets delayed, or times when our car breaks down right before a very important client meeting at work.
What do we do when we face a problem or setback that’s stopping us from doing what we need to do?