Tagalog Version (Click Here)
Many of us dream of living in a big beautiful mansion, earning a lot of money, having lots of friends, and a loving family… but one main reason why we don’t achieve it is because many of us are subconsciously afraid of success.
To be more specific, many of us are afraid of what we need to do in order to become successful. We are afraid of giving up the comfortable things that we have now and we are afraid of trying new things in order to earn something better.
Whenever we think about the good life, doubts also cloud our mind and we can only think of the reasons why we CAN’T do it. The mansion, the riches, and the happy family all seem like an IMPOSSIBILITY for us and we think to ourselves “What if I fail in business? What if I invest and lose money? What if I don’t like that new job or I get fired? What if those people hate me? Why can’t I tell my family directly that I love them? What if I lose everything I have now?” Thus, we stay as we are, do what we’ve always done, and keep earning what we’ve always gotten.
Aside from all that, many want positive changes, but few want to MAKE those changes. Many want to be rich and successful, but few are actually willing to do the work required. Millions of people fail because they’re too scared to try.
What do you do? How do you resolve that fear? How do you earn the life you want?